Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Murder At Virginia Tech Again ?

Murder has once again come to the campus of Virginia Tech. This time, one person is dead and another in custody, and the weapon used was a knife. This took place inside the Graduate Life Center and police say there were several witnesses. University officials say it happened in a very public place, a cafe on the first floor. Campus police got the call just after 7:00. They say when they got to the scene, they saw a woman graduate student who lived in the GLC, lying on the floor -- dead. They say a man, also a graduate student, was nearby. They say it was clear to the officers that he was responsible and he did not resist arrest. Tech Spokesman Larry Hincker says he sent 30,000 to 40,000 emails and text messages through the VT alerts system. He says there were no problems getting the alerts out instructing people to stay away.

Read the News Report

Students alerted after campus murder

STUDENTS at a university where a gunman went on a rampage killing 32 are again dealing with a suspected murder on their campus.
Police found the body of an Asian female graduate student at Virginia Tech about 7.10pm . . . . .

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